Christians - Public Statement

7 min read

Deviation Actions

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Who are we and what do we stand for?

The Truth

Due to an evident attack to the integrity of our group and its members, it has become necessary to address false allegations made against our group.  Contrary to the allegations, christians as a group and/or any of its leaders, do not hate LGBT, and certainly we do not  make them a “target of harassment, or personal insults” as some individuals have chosen to do with our group and against established etiquette policy at dA.

We can assure you that you have never read, and will never read, any responsible party at our group say that God doesn’t love ALL men and women, thus, making sexual orientation irrelevant as it relates to God’s love. What God does not love is SIN. As a Christian group abiding by the Biblical tenants we stand firm to God’s standard, not opinion, and never to false allegations, we do not condemn people who disagree with us; we affirm the Bible and oppose in our lives any practice in opposition to the Bible, regardless of any “opinion” that may rise against what is clear in Scriptures. We believe that Jesus died every bit as much for those who protest our biblical position as for those who profess Christianity. He died for those who struggle with their own personal sin, and those who never acknowledge the same. We are here to help anyone understand the biblical principles established by God and are certainly prepared to defend and give an answer to anyone who asks about our faith (1 Peter 3:15). If you are unable to tolerate our faith, then it might be you who is intolerant.  "... We do not tolerate people with whom we agree; we tolerate people with whom we disagree. If all views were equally valid, there would be no need for tolerance."

"They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." – Jesus, Mark 2:17

The truth is that regardless of false statements, we do love LGBT just like any other individual, and we will treat them just as Christ commands we do, even in disagreement (1 Peter 3:15). However, let it be known that one of the main goals of our group is to abide by Scripture. It must be understood that christians and any of its members have NO authority to change what God established in His Word and has been given to the saints.  Therefore, while we extend our love to all, we do not condone or make members any individual who publicly claims to practice any sin and thinks it is acceptable to the eyes of God, regardless of its nature. We boldly defend and contend for the Gospel once given to the saints (Jude 3).  I ask you, were we hated and discriminated against when someone told us before we became Christians that we were in sin and needed to repent from the same?  No, we were not, as we were loved by undeserving mercy, the mercy of God.  We testify to all men and women repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ (re. Acts 20:20-22). Without the repentance of sin, no man can be saved (Luke 13:3).

The Way, The Truth, The Life?
”Now, God’s revealed Word, the Bible, tells us that Jesus Christ is the only way we can possibly reach God — that there’s no alternate route (John 14:6).”

Based on the established policies at deviantART, we recognize our right: “that Group administrators may determine their own rules and privileges for deviants who participate in the Group.” Therefore, ALL members of our group understand that prior to membership, we have established a requirement clause for all members to agree and abide by our Essentials of Christianity & Statement of Faith.  Any denial of membership is strictly based on the refusal to accept and abide by our entrance requirement.

Regarding Exodus International & Alan Chambers

I am sure that many in the homosexual movement will hail this apology as a condemnation of all efforts to free dissatisfied homosexuals of their practice of homosexuality. But it is no such thing. In fact, if one reads carefully all that he said, it becomes clear that he is not very far from what Jesus would do. Based on the biblical witness, Jesus would befriend homosexual people (cf. Matthew 9:10; Luke 7:34) and treat them with kindness and respect, without approving of their homosexual behavior; Jesus came preaching repentance from sin, not acceptance of sin (Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15; Luke 5:32), and He was still calling for repentance after his ascension into heaven (Revelation 2, 3). Jesus did not come to save us in our sins, but to save us from our sins. Jesus said to the woman caught in the heterosexual sin called ”adultery”, “Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:11). Jesus gave up His own life to pay the price for homosexual sins; that’s how much He hates homosexual sins and loves homosexual people (Romans 5:8). Jesus would further demonstrate His love for homosexual people by encouraging them to believe in Him and be saved (John 3:16), and to repent of (turn away from) their homosexual sins. Furthermore, He would change them “in the name (literally, the power and authority) of the Lord Jesus Christ”, just as His Corinthian disciples (His representatives) did after Him (I Corinthians 6:11). This is the kind of love Jesus has for homosexual and heterosexual people alike.

by James Aist

Give Me the TRUTH

"If you are my friend, if you are concerned about my soul, give me the truth. Do not flatter me. Do not praise my virtues while remaining silent about my vices. Do not fear that the truth will offend me. Do not treasure our friendship, our friendly relations, above my salvation. Do not think that by ignoring my sins you can help. Do not think that being blind to my sins will prove yourself charitable. However I may react to it whatever may be my attitude toward you after you have done it, give me the truth! For the truth, and only the truth, can make men free from the shackles of sin, strengthen me in the pathway of righteousness and lead me to the joys of heaven. If I am wavering, weak, lukewarm, indifferent, neglectful; if I have been overtaken in a trespass, if I have been drawn into the pleasures of the world; if I have left first love; if I have been led astray by error; or if I have done none of these, but simply need to grow in knowledge and be edified, give me the truth!" - by Bill Crews

Warning Notice

Note: Prior to making comments to our public statement, we ask that you carefully consider what you state, as any inappropriate comment that does not meet dA etiquette standards will be automatically reported hereon and our membership is equally encouraged to do so as well. If you do comment, do not use foul language, derogatory comments or comments that do not contribute to community growth, maintain dA etiquette policy, if you claim tolerance - kindly demonstrate the same. If unable to follow these rules, do not comment or say "they blocked me". It is OK to disagree, it is to be expected, but let us just maintain a professional and cordial community. That is the definition of Tolerance.

NOTE:  Deactivated accounts after comments, will be hidden henceforth.
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1girlofallworlds's avatar

As a young person, growing in my faith and trying to live a just and moral life in this modern day, I struggle. I am very recently 18 and even before now it has pained me to see so much media (tv shows and movies and stuff like that) be so good originally and then start sinning because of "inclusiveness"

Even though these are fictional things, is it still bad to like them? They show the practice of sin, in some instances shows aimed for younger audiences, and I still watch some of them because I enjoy the content just not some of the messaging.

I'm partially confused by what I'm trying to get across but I hope you can understand and possibly give some form of answers.


What if something has like fairy tale stuff, like magic or monsters or something like that, would that also be considered bad too?

I have many questions and am looking for answers.

Thank you in advance and for your time and inspiration.